Information for Referrers

It is our pleasure to be working with our referrers to provide the most optimal outcomes for our patients through a co-management relationship.


We appreciate your help in providing your patient with a valid referral including your details for correspondence to be sent back to you. Any relevants tests (Visual fields, OCT's, photos, pathology CT & MRI results etc ) that have been performed would be most helpful and we would invite you to include these with your referral.

Should you not have a referral template, please feel free to download one here: GEC Referral Pad (PDF)

We welcome referrals by mail, fax 03 8678 3881 or via the patient.

Emergency cases

Should you require an urgent booking please have the doctor/optometrist contact us directly by phone and we will ensure that the patient will be fitted in.

For after hours emergencies, please call either:

Monash Ophthalmology Registrar On-call – 03 9594 6666
Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital (RVEEH) – 03 9929 8666